Monday, June 16, 2008

Useless information...

In the mode of "pacing ourselves" for the political season ahead, I want to offer some of the news articles I have seen lately.
Please tell me what it should mean to me that other nations around the world prefer Obama to McCain.
Do we really want their advice? Was it much more than 60 years ago that with the help of England that we had to save France from Germany? What have these countries given us that we should want their advice. France is a socialist state that is dealing with outragous unemployment and class-warefare rioting in the streets.
Am I being to hard on England, France and Germany? Maybe instead we should take a good look at ourselves and figure out what we want the next 4 years to look like...

Friday, June 6, 2008

How to share the Gospel after you've been raptured!

You have got to read this. I saw this article about a website that will send your friends and loved ones an email after you've been raptured as a last chance to reach them with the Gospel. The website is . Not only will the website send out an email to non-believers letting them know where you are, it will also give them access to all your important private information like bank records and your will.

There is a $40 annual fee for this service. These guys are geniuses for finding a way to make money from believers. Is this something to mock or is it something you would consider?

CC- out.