Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gloria's World Village and the Current Global Food Crisis

Let's face it... when you live in Western Kentucky, your restaurant choices are pretty limited. Sure, you have no problem finding a good Mexican place to eat and honestly I have never seen a oriental person in our Wal Mart but there are 2 Chinese restaurants in our town. Seafood? Fried catfish - not exactly something you would find in the middle of the Atlantic.

So it was a great suprise when someone told us of a Indian/Thai place 25 minutes from our house. When we lived in Maryland we fell in love with Indian food and just couldn't believe we had something that close to us and had never heard about it. So this weekend we stopped by Gloria's World Village on the campus of Murray State University. It was fantastic!

We had the opportunity to meet the owners who are wonderful people. Gloria was called to be a missionary as a young child after she saw a vision feeding hundred's of children from different countries. After spending most of her adulthood living across the US, her husband and Gloria settled down in Murray, Kentucky. While here they began to host foreign students. In 10 years the had over 100 students live with them. About that time the opened up this restaurant so these students from all over the world could have a place to eat that was familiar to them. They also have a grocery store with mid-eastern food for sale in the back of the restaurant. The vision that she was given had become a reality!

Being on a college campus and selling food that most students won't eat in the first place is not an easy thing to do. Gloria and her husband live on the 2nd floor of the restaurant. What is making it even more difficult is the food shortages that is being experienced throughout the world. The cost of rice - a staple in most of the world - has risen 50% just in the past few months. Gloria does not want to raise her prices but may have to.

Please keep Gloria and her husband in your prayers. Please remember the impact on this crisis on other Christian organizations that are in Third World Countries trying desperately to feed and share the gospel.

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