Friday, May 9, 2008

McClintama...What's a believer to do?

There is going to be plenty of AM Static blog fodder from the upcoming election, so let's pace ourselves.

Round one of the "who will Christians vote for" debate took place on TV show 30 Rock a few weeks ago. 30 Rock is a comedy in the Saturday Night Live vein of humor. Picture Jack, a high-powered executive at GE(which own NBC) trying to find a "cool" spokesman for the Republican Party and a fundraiser he is throwing for John McCain, but can only find a lame 1960's TV actor (because all cool celebrities are Democrats of course). In walks NBC page Kenneth, the backwards country-bumpkin that is supposed to represent every uneducated, religiously indoctrinated hillbilly to ever come live in the big city. He is probably from Kentucky. Kenneth is the only one in the room who can identify the lame spokesman. I won't embed the show into the blog, but here is the episode. Skip 3:20 into the show and left it run about a minute. The conversation goes something like this:

Jack-Kenneth, if this man (lame 1960's TV actor) told you to vote Republican, would you?

Kenneth- Oh no Mr. Donahy, I don't vote Republican or Democrat. Choosing is a sin. I just right in the Lord's name.

Jack- That's Republican, we count those.

I don't care if you are a follower of Jesus Christ or not- that is funny. You really need to watch it to get the full effect. But back to the real world... how can anyone get excited about the remaining choices from president. The common perception is that white Evangelicals vote Republican and that black voters, Christians and secular-minded, vote Democrat. Of course this is not entirely true, but a stereotype is a stereotype for a reason...

And as far as the "Evangelicals are Republicans" does that fit this year. Over the past 2 elections I believe Christians have had more a clear choice: Bush is a good ole' Texan that "found religion" and quit drinking, and Al Gore and John Kerry seemed to be pursuing secularists and avoiding topics of faith. In 2008 though...I don't see much difference between McCain, Clinton, and Obama. McCain is a RINO (Republican in Name Only) and no part conservative. And after 8 years of Billary I can't imagine having Hillary Clinton in the White House (and I don't care that she is a women). But the more I learn about Obama, the better McCain and Clinton appear.

So...what's the difference? I would be interested to know what issues are most important to you when you are chosing a candidate. Is there a clear choice for Evangelical Christians? Or am I just a right-leaning conservative and failed to see the large pro-Kerry Christian vote 4 years ago... I am so confused...come quickly Lord Jesus!


1 comment:

"JD Weasel" said...

What happened to Jerry Seinfeld? For those of you who missed it... you need to check our archives for AM Static's endorsement of Seinfeld.

Getting back to reality, Foxy certainly hit the nail on the head on this one. I have my opinion and will be sharing it in the coming days.