Tuesday, November 4, 2008

GWB's Final Mistake

Today's Presidential results would be different if...

(Washington DC, November 3, 2008) In a move that suprised even those in his inner most circle, President Bush called an emergency press conference in the Rose Garden today.

"I have spent many hours listening to and reading up on each of the candidates for this year's presidential race" said Mr. Bush "I have come to respect both of these men for a hard run race. It is unfortunante that one of them will wake up on Wednesday as a loser in this contest."

"But after much thought I have decided that my voice must be heard by the American people. As your President and leader I hope you will value my opinion in this very important time in American history. It is therefore my honor to throw my full support behind Barak Obama as the next President of the United States."

"I believe that Mr. Obama will continue my legacy and initiatives that I began eight years ago. I have looked him in the eye and I can see a man I can trust. I believe that at the end of his presidency he will make people see that my presidency can be headlined as 'mission accomplished.'"

"Therefore, please join me tomorrow voting Barak Obama as your next President of the United States."

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