Monday, March 24, 2008

5 Years - 4,000 Deaths Later

This weekend kept most of us busy at Easter egg hunts, the mall buying those Easter Sunday clothes, at church being seen in our Easter clothes and gathering as a family, getting food from Easter dinner all over those new clothes.

In case you missed it the Iraq War hit two important milestone markers this weekend:

5 Years
4,000 US military deaths

It seems that every so years we say that our nation has reached a crossroad and this statement could never be more true than what our country/world is facing today:

* An unpopular war which has cost us the deaths and wounds (physical and mental) of our military service men and woman as well as respect from the world's nations.
* A culture that insists on pushing the limits
* A broken economy that is going through a financial crisis not seen since the Great Depression.
* Gas prices that are approaching $4/gallon.
* Inflation that is driving up the cost of food and living expenses.
* The environment seems to be in the midst of a global change.

Wow - is this starting to sound like the 1970s?

So, where do we go from here? Is pulling out of Iraq the answer? What is the consequences if we do? Do we need to legislate morality? Will new leadership offer different results or will we see the same old song and dance out of Washington? What is the church's role in all of this?

Lots of questions - very few answers.

1 comment:

CC Foxy said...

I am struggling with this too. In the recent primaries I was 100% behind Ron Paul, who was an outspoken opponent to the war. If you get a chance read this article.,2933,341312,00.html It talks about how good Iraq is getting at policing themselves and how they are tired of Al-Qaeda. It also says that Al-Qaeda was not really in Iraq before the war.
I don't know, we are in such bad shape financially- I product of our own errors, I wish we would protect our nation and get out of the rest of the world. Thoughout history nations fell that tried to extend themselves too thin in too many places. That is clearly what America is doing. We have a troop presence in over 100 nations...