Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday...suffering enough to be holy?

I just recently read an article about a town in the Philippines where some in the town re-enact the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by nailing themselves to a cross and hanging for a period of time, while others beat their own backs with bamboo's tied to ropes- a picture even more gross then the one you see here. Go to the article to see those pictures, but be warned...gross.

This is the 13th time Fernando Mamangon has been crucified, according to the Fox News article, saying that he started having himself nailed to a cross in 1995 when his oldest son was sick and about to die. His son has recovered and now a younger son is sick, so Fernando continues the gesture every year. According to Fernando, "After being nailed to the cross, I feel so refreshed, like all my sins are washed away, I will continue this until my son Alex is cured".

The Roman Catholic church has asked the town to stop, stating that it is turning Holy Week into a circus. While I agree that this is totally unnecessary, many Catholics as well as others denominations, are encouraged to participate in lent and making other "sacrifices". Of those that I know that participate in lent, when I ask them what the suppose is, they say, "God has done so much for me, I need to give something up to show my appreciation (or something similar). I have included the Wikipedia link to lent here. I was shocked to see how many Christian world sects/denominations participate in lent.

My question is- Isn't this type of behavior almost encouraged by churches that encourage you to "sacrifice for your sin"- isn't that called doing good works? Redemption is a free gift from Jesus Christ, rest in the peace that comes from being a a chosen son/daughter of God and share it and share with others... Do I need a better education on lent?

Happy Holy Weekend and God Bless


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