Friday, April 18, 2008

If that earthquake comes a rock'n...

Well, that little earthquake you may have heard about on your mid-day news or on that internet website just happened to take place almost in our backyard.

It was interesting because I woke up - not startled - but enough to know that the bed was slightly rolling back and forth. And for some unknown reason, perhaps it just wasn't that noticeable, I didn't react like I thought I would react. I didn't jump out of bed or even say something to my wife. She popped her head up but she says she doesn't remember anything.

I fell back to sleep and it still hadn't fully registered in my head that we had just experienced an earthquake. But I do remember thinking to myself what I would do if we did have an earthquake... how would I respond? What kid would I grab first and where would we go?

It wasn't until this morning when I got into work and somebody asked me about the earthquake did it finally realize what had happened last night.

It was one of those moments you won't forget.

1 comment:

CC Foxy said...

As I have said to family all day- Maryland is earthquake and tornado free...we will welcome you back.