Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Oops... It's Time To Get Over IT!

I'll be honest with you, I have wanted to post something about Britney Spears since we first began this blog almost 2 months ago. I knew from what perspective I wanted to write from but just couldn't find the right article to frame my post with. Well, here it is.

Each decade for the past 50 years has had a pop icon martyr:
The 60's - Marilyn Monroe
The 70's - Elvis
The 80's - John Belushi
The 90's - Kurt Cobain

As we enter the last few years, the pop icon that best symbolizes the first decade of the 21st Century has to be Britney Spears. From her explosive rise as a teen idol in the late 90s/early 2000s, to her open rebellion against her sexual abstinence stance mid decade. Now we see this lost soul struggle against her own demons of fame played out daily on our television, internet and tabloids.

I was watching at TV psychiatrist the other day (I really wish I could remember his name because I would like to quote him) and he said very bluntly that we are about to lose Britney Spears. He said that the chances are about 50-50 that a normal person would survive what she is going through.

He went on to say that as our country's morals fall (this psychiatrist is not a Christian) we become increasingly numb to the fact that this is a real person. Our reality TV society sees it as nothing more than a show.

This article says it all...

There is something very wrong here, a country that's been at war without ever feeling the effects. A populace that responds to a slowly crumbling empire by fiddling away with a copy of US Weekly. We all need to escape sometimes...but do we need teenage celebrities, or Angelina and Jen to fill that void?

What makes Britney's case more troubling is that she seems to base her self worth on her popularity. This would explain the reason who most of her escapades have been in public and in front of the paparrazi.

It makes me sick to think that I am partly to blame. Instead of praying for her, I stop and watch the latest Britney news. When I gawk, I should be ill and sad instead of yearning to know what happens next.

I have spent enough time worshiping the "god of culture" as it sacrifices another life. I have chosen to join the author of this article and pray to feel ill when I see these things being played out in the media - to pray for a Christ-like perspective.

And I am going to pray for Britney Spears and others like her. Will you join?

1 comment:

CC Foxy said...

Just like it is hard not to stare at an accident on the highway, it is hard not to get caught up in the never-ending soap opera that is Brittney Spear's life. I will pray for her, it must be hard not to think of yourself as god when your entire world revolves around you....