Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Recycle or go to Hell!!

Before I begin, I must confess something... we recycle. We started at the beginning of the year and even though we currently only recycle soda cans, we will probably begin recycling paper and plastic soon.

Now I know you may ask "what is a good Republican boy doing recycling?" You may wonder if I have fallen into the media spin that the world is about to end because we as humans are destroying the environment with our landfills and toxic pollution.

And I will have to admit that yes, the media has perhaps helped to wake us up to the fact that our children will face a far more dangerous world simply because we chose not to be more mindful when throwing out our trash, not flushing the toilet after every single tinkle, choosing a little more expensive translucent light bulb or... gulp! a car that gets good gas mileage but may not be the coolest (PS - we're not there yet - we still drive a Honda Pilot SUV).

So what kind of influence should the environment have on our faith? Many Christians, even evangelical Christians, are starting to question "What Would Jesus Drive?" When God gave man the earth and told him to take care of it, was he calling him to be a tree hugging hippi environmentalist? Did that also gives us the right to do with it as we please?

I hate to say it, but is politics getting in the way of our concern for the earth? What shapes our decision to be more or less environmentally sensitive - our faith or our voter registration card?

Will God punish us for neglect of the planet? Now, in my humble opinion I don't think He will. I must admit that I often wonder if there is a link between the impact of global warming such as the sudden increase in drug resistant medicines, frequent and powerful hurricanes (and other such environmental events) and the end time events.

That goes contrary to what the Vatican decided today. According to the Vatican, recycling - or not recycling - is one of the "seven deadly sins of our times" and replace the "sins of the yesteryear" such as lust, pride, greed, sloth and so on which were way too individualistic for our modern day society.

The new seven deadly sins include genetic modification, carrying out experiments on humans, polluting the environment, causing social injustice, causing poverty, becoming obscenely wealthy and taking drugs which are all mortal sins.

Let me get this straight... the Vatican decided that our society - which seemly grows increasingly self centered each second of the day - no longer needed individualist pitfalls to stay away from. Hmmm... is it any wonder that people do what they do?

So if you want to go to heaven, please recycle... but while you are doing it take great pride in the fact that your neighbors are watching you!


CC Foxy said...

Liberal hippy...

CC Foxy said...

Unfortunately for Mr. Gore, he is a saint and a mortal sinner! It seems that telling everyone to go green has made Gore sinfully rich. The man was worth $2m when he left office and how is worth over $100m. You can read the article for yourself (http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080309/BUSINESS01/803090364/1003/rss03). I guess Mr. Gore better repent...