Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Christianity in Art and Public Schools

First of all I would like to apologize for the length of time between posts- I really need to keep AM Static a priority since we have so much to talk about in these days.

That being said, I recently read a Fox News article about a high school student that received a zero on an art assignment that shows a landscape with a cross and the note- "John 3:16 A sign of love." According to the school district, every student in the class is required to sign a policy with the understanding that "prohibited any violence, blood, sexual connotations or religious beliefs in artwork." The student was then told by his teacher that he signed his constitutional rights away when he signed the policy and that his freedom of religion infringed on other students' rights.

When confronted with this policy the student ripped it up pointing out that other students had pictures of demons and other non-christian religious references and that the entire school was full of references to other religions. The student has filed a lawsuit stating that tolerance was being shown for every religion other than his. His lawyer stated, "We hear so much today about tolerance, but where is the tolerance for religious beliefs? The whole purpose of art is to reflect your own personal experience. To tell a student his religious beliefs can legally be censored sends the wrong message."

Personally, I applaud the student and wish when I was his age I would have have the courage to stand up for my faith. This reminds me of Peter and John in the book of Acts when told by the Jewish council not to speak in Jesus' name. Peter and John's answer: "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. "For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." (Acts 4:18-20) Or later when they did not comply: And the high priest asked them, saying, "Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man's blood on us!" But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: "We ought to obey God rather than men. (Acts 5:27-29).

Now, who will step forward and defend the public school system? I would also love to hear your views on the benefits of placing your child in this type of environment. Is keeping your faith quiet and following the school districts rules the answer? Is civil disobedience(and a lawsuit) the correct response? Or is getting the heck out of the public schools the best choice? Public school, Christian school, home school...any thoughts?



Jae said...

Wow! I pray that our children will be this bold in standing for the truth! The time is short and its evident in the way that the world rejects ANY truth of Jesus Christ. I think that tolerance is a bad word.

CC Foxy said...

Here is another interesting article related to the subject: In it a boy is suing his school district because his teacher made strong Christian-hating comments and was not disciplined by the school district. The article starts- "Chad Farnan, a 16-year-old sophomore, says the teacher, James Corbett, told his students that “Jesus glasses” obscure the truth and suggested that Christians are more likely than other people to commit rape and murder."


Anonymous said...

dude, let's freshen this blog up a little bit, huh? cc-you know who this is. weasel, where've you been?? come on guys, i can't tell people to check out old material...