Friday, January 18, 2008

Being Content

I have been listening to a series of teaching from the book of Philippians by Pastor Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seattle. It has been a very insightful, and I think that his style is so different that it may help us long-time believers see things in a new way.
The last topic covered is Joy in Poverty, from Philippians 4:10-23. A couple of analogies he uses: "Health and Wealth" (name it and claim it) teaches that God is a big pinata and our faith is a stick. If we have enough faith your big stick can reach God and he will rain blessing of "stuff" down on us. Another one was that if you gave your kid $20 to go buy a few things at the store and told them they could buy themselves a candybar too, but they came home with $20 worth or candy and nothing you asked for. If you did this a few times and had spent $60 and only gotten your bread and eggs but nothing else, you would probably start to give your $$ to someone else who would do what you asked. So it is with us and the blessings God gives to us. We need to be content regardless of what we have, the world is always pulling at our "flesh" and trying to get us to be bad stewards of the resources given us by God. Please listen here and tell me what you think.
Our hearts always seem to want to wander...why?


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