Friday, January 18, 2008

Relatively Speaking Part 1

The past couple of months I have realized just how far from the truth we (the human race) have wondered. There are battles on multiple fronts with the enemy, but at the heart of the battle is the battle over truth.

In realty, it's not really a battle over truth. Those who express an opposing view do not accept truth but rather the doctrine of "what is true to me is true to me and what is true to you is true to you" which can be summed up as relativism.

John Piper wrote in depth about "Relativism Challenged in the December issue of Relevant Magazine (sorry, the article is not posted on line). I wanted to share some of his thoughts on how to "rescue others who embrace relativism by simply pointing out how evil and destructive some of its effects are."

First, people who deny truth and embrase relativism inheritantly know that this stance is self-contradictory by how they live their lives. His example of this is:

"Professors play the academic game of relativism in their classes and then go home and get upset with their wives for misunderstanding them. Why do they get upset? Because they know that there is an objective meaning that can be transmitted between two human beings, and we have a moral obligations to grasp what is meant."

Secondly, relativist use it as a crutch to do what they want and get away with it. When we deny the authority for all Truth which is God we give ourselves an excuse to do whatever without the guilt that comes with it. The truth is that when we don't follow the truth...

Thirdly, there is real consquences when we revolt from the Truth. Sure enough, there is and always will be disease but you are more likely to contract a STD or AIDS by living a sexually active lifestyle with more than one partner than you would if you waited until you were married. You are less likely to steal from someone else if you don't envy their posessions.

Part 2 to come...

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