Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Less is the new more!

I read this article in the USA Today online. It talks about the weakening economy and people cutting back- but also emphasizes that after years of lavish living people are starting to realize the excess in their life and desire a more minimalist life. No more bottled water, Folgers at home instead of $5 Starbucks, and Netflix at home rather than going to the movies. The article also mentions that it is harder for people to give up their small luxuries than it is top give up there dreams of having a fancy car or house.

I have to say that I think I am a total minimalist (which is in constant conflict with my better half). That is not to say that I do not indulge on small luxuries every once in a while, but being the one paying the bills means I realize how quickly an evening of entertainment out with the family can drain a budget.

Is less really the new more? Are people everywhere starting to cut back and realize there excess living? Is this a result of the whole "global warning" hysteria and people wanting to "reduce their impact on the earth- or are people just running out of money?

So I have 2 questions: is the "pending recession" having any impact on your spending habits and have you personally felt any "conviction" about the excesses in your life and made a effort to cut back? And if so, what are the first luxuries to go?


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