Monday, February 18, 2008

One Super Loss is Another's Super Gain

It's been a little over 2 weeks since the Super Bowl was played and for many sports fans in the United States, our attention has turned to college basketball's upcoming March Madness, the NBA All-Star Game or baseball's spring training.

In our era of mass consumption and instant gratification... the images that pass through our mind of the closing seconds of the Giants incredible upset of the Patriots includes grafiti raining from the sky as fans hold up the front page of the newspaper that declare "Giant Upset!" while players put on their New York Giant Super Bowl hats and shirts.

I believe that it would be safe to assume that for every one of those t-shirts or hats that those players and team officials put on that day, another thousand were already printed for fans to purchase the next day (if not later that night!). All for a team that wasn't suppose to sniff victory. Can you now imagine how many t-shirts, hats and other apparel were printed for the "Super Bowl Champion" New England Patriots?

For the past several years I have spent the third weekend following the Super Bowl participating in World Vision's 30 Hour Famine with our church's youth group. During 30 Hours our group and thousands of groups around the nation and the world fast for 30 hours while they raise money to eradicate 3rd world hunger. Millions of dollars have been raised by youth over the years! Millions and millions of people are alive today because of World Vision and the participants of the 30 Hour Famine.

So, by now you are probably wondering "what does the Super Bowl have anything to do with the 30 Hour Famine?" Well, according to this article World Vision, in cooperation with the NFL, has been giving the Patriot's "winning" Super Bowl t-shirts to poor children in Nicaragua.

The children are the winners," said Miriam Diaz, of World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization.

What may be considered as waste and useless in our eyes is warmth and love in anothers. Let us pray that our eyes are opened so that He may use all things for His Glory...

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