Monday, February 25, 2008

The "Christian Oscars"...

Here is an article I read about the Christian lists the top 10 "family" movies and the top 10 movies for "mature audiences". I have a couple of comments on this:

  • Do we really need to further separate ourselves from society by creating a list of movies that Christians view as good? I fear this provides no value except making us look lame. It seems like we want to be part of show, just cover our eyes during the bad parts. I really enjoyed movies like "The Passion of the Christ"- they were made for a broad audience and they showed Jesus is a very "non-religious" way. I guess what I am saying is that Jesus salvation and God, and religion is corny and lame.

  • Who determines what is "Christian" and what is not? To my knowledge NONE of these films have any christian content with the exception of "Amazing Grace". Also, I do not think I would want to kids watching all the movies on the family list...and sometimes the cartoons can be the sneakiest about adult subjects/humor.

  • WHO CARES!!!



CC Foxy said...

Just as an seems that no one cares about the real Oscars either.,2933,332389,00.html


Jae said...

your link on your blog doesn't work... but nonetheless... yeah, I'm with you... who cares?

Honestly, is this what Jesus REALLY meant when he said "be in the world but not of the world"--- I THINK not. I think we as believers want to dabble. We want it both ways-- the alternative to the world is a "cleaner" version of what they have. Give me a break. The alternative isn't to make a list of top ten Christian movies and force it on the believers subculture-- the alternative IS JESUS!

CC Foxy said...

Thanks, I have fixed the link.

Also, If a movie is good, watch it! and if it is bad, don't watch it. WE control what movies are made by what we support. Example- Napoleon Dynomite...not made "for Christians" but very funny and something I can let my kids watch. Some movies made for the Christian subculture are so lame no one wants to watch them. Veggie Tales are also really good quality productions that are SO GOOD that mainstream TV and movies pick them up to distribute...that is what we need more of!!! Can anyone else come up with other Christian media that was so good the world wanted to see it too?