Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Looking good for Jesus- Sacreligion gone wild

I saw this article on Fox News today. Besides these products being ridiculous it seems to be making light of our God and Savior. Then I was wondering if it was in fact making fun of Jesus or Jesus' followers who seem to have obscure thoughts and priorities at times.

Question: do we Christians have a thick enough skin to see something like this and not think that the world is making fun of us? Maybe the world really is making fun of us and we deserve it? A fresh perspective may help us to see how we appear to the world around us.

I know that in many parts of the country and in many churches it is unacceptable to come to church unless you are dressed nicer than normal, kinda "looking good for Jesus", if you will. I have actually heard, "don't you want to give your best to God by dressing nice for church?" (Reminds me of the whole concept of Lent, but that is another discussion for another time.) There was no discussion of going to church for Christian fellowship, the building together of the body of Christ or learning more of God's Word...only that we need to look nice for each other. How foolish. Jesus always saved his harshest criticism for the religious, as we can see in Matthew 23:25-28. The Pharisees were so concerned about the outside, the external appearance, that they neglected the inside, which is where our heart and soul are located. We could be full of hatred and envy in our hearts, but if we dress nice and smile maybe no one will notice. Do we really think that we are fooling anyone? I think this is part of what has made Christianity so repulsive to so many people, superficial Christians that are more concerned about the external that the heart and soul of man.

Being a representative for Christ is about looking at the inside, the heart and soul of ourselves and others and, and not walking around making judgments based on appearances...anyone else stone cold guilty of this in their own way?


1 comment:

david tyree said...

I don't think God at all cares about our appearances, but I still think nose piercings are just plain silly on a 30+ year mother of three. I mean, come on...when the diamond isn't blinging, it just looks like a booger!